107 Daily use English sentences

107 Daily use English sentences:

1. The baby is crying.
2. This is my brother.
3. Have a nice flight!
4. He bought her a dog.
5. Where was Sunny born?
6. He walks slowly.
7. He’s a university student.
8. Sunny can run fast.
9. She caught colds often.
10. This watch is broken.
11. Are you a student?
12. Sunny can run fast.
13. The baby is called Sunny.
14. I’m proud of my brother.
15. Have a nice weekend.
16. Let’s begin.
17. We ran out of food.
18. Thank you for today.
19. Please speak more slowly.
20. The train has arrived.
21. He can swim very fast.
22. The baby is fast asleep.
23. It’s my younger brother’s.
24. Have a nice vacation.
25. When does it begin?
26. The baby started to cry.
27. My brother works in a bank.
28. John’s voice is nice.
29. I often travel.
30. The baby stopped crying.
31. Watch your step.
32. Susie has a nice smile.
33. It’s fun to travel.
34. Turn the radio down.
35. He is my brother.

Daily use sentences in English

107 Daily use English sentences:

36. Have a nice time.
37. I bought a watch.
38. The baby is able to walk.
39. I bought a watch.
40. This carpet feels nice.
41. Do you like to travel?
42. The baby was fast asleep.
43. Where is my watch?
44. This flower smells nice.
45. He likes to travel alone.
46. He’s sleeping like a baby.
47. He likes to watch TV.
48. She’s wearing a nice hat.
49. Let’s ask a travel agent.
50. I’m terribly sorry.
51. Walk more slowly.
52. The train just left.
53. Sunny runs very fast.
54. I’m sorry.
55. Sunny walks slowly.
56. He’s a high school student.
57. He was fast asleep.
58. I turned off the radio.
59. It’s my brother’s.
60. Have a nice trip.
61. I bought a red tie.
62. Please turn on the radio.
63. I have one brother.
64. Nice to meet you.
65. She bought chicken.
66. He ran.Mary ran.
67. I’m sorry for being late.
68. My mother speaks slowly.
69. Here comes the train.
70. Sunny swims very fast.

Daily use English sentences

Daily use English sentences

71. I ran out of breath.
72. Thank you for coming.
73. Speak slowly and clearly.
74. You’ll miss the train.
75. The baby was naked.
76. my younger brother.
77. Have a nice weekend!
78. She bought him a car.
79. We ran after the thief.
80. That isn’t fair.
81. He is nice.
82. He jumped on the train.
83. Turn off the radio.
84. This isn’t fair.
85. It’s a nice day.
86. I bought a book.
87. When was she born?
88. Is your watch correct?
89. I have a student visa.
90. He runs very fast.
91. He ran into debt.
92. Thank you. No, thank you.
93. I opened the door slowly.
94. Will you go by train?
95. The car is very fast.
96. I’ve caught a cold.
97. I’d like to watch TV.
98. Sunny is a student.
99. My pulse is fast.
100. Turn on the radio.
101. That’s not fair.
102. Have a nice day.
103. I hate politics.
104. I caught a cold.
105. I had my watch fixed.
106. She is a student.
107. John runs fast.

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