Common sentences in English
Best sentences for education:
1. Ram is a farmer.
2. Who is it?
3. Everyone is tired.
4. Who is he?
5. I’ll stand.
6. Is the lake deep?
7. I haven’t tried.
8. Forget him.
9. Consult a doctor.
10. Everyone changes.
11. I’ve seen it.
12. That book is mine.
13. Take it.
14. I don’t understand.
15. Anybody will do.
16. Who came?
17. I love to travel.
18. Ram screamed.
19. Ram stays with us.
20. My father is out.
21. You sit here.
22. He hasn’t come yet.
23. This bag is mine.
24. I like to eat.
25. Get out.
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Most important English sentences
Best sentences for education:
26. I’m at the library.
27. I’m for it.
28. I’m an optimist
29. What’s your name?
30. See you later.
31. I am not a doctor.
32. Ram’s injured.
33. It can’t be.
34. Is somebody there?
35. Get some sleep.
36. Don’t stop.
37. Read this first.
38. Is that all?
39. We’re stuck here.
40. Is he a teacher?
41. Who ran?
42. That’s my sister.
43. I like both.
44. Come in.
45. I’m your friend.
46. Is it here?
47. My father walks.
48. This is Ram’s car.
49. I’m very tired.
50. I’m okay.
Daily use English sentences
51. Is everything okay?
52. Where’s Boston?
53. I forgot.
54. We’ve done that.
55. Are we ready.
56. I’ll be back late.
57. We failed.
58. Drive carefully.
59. I totally agree.
60. I was surprised.
61. I eat everything.
62. What’ll Ram bring?
63. Ram is driving.
64. Wait here.
65. He was speaking.
66. I’m right.
67. Ram’s screaming.
68. Birds fly.
69. I don’t deny it.
70. Are you worried?
71. They’re doctors.
72. I’m nervous now.
73. I want to ride a horse.
74. That movie is exciting.
75. He got the first prize.
Important English sentences
76. Lightning hit that tower.
77. She became a nurse.
78. It’s not my fault.
79. I’ll buy you a beer.
80. Don’t cry.
81. Please don’t cry.
82. She heard him cry.
83. She looked sad.
84. The boy began to cry.
85. The baby started to cry.
86. A beer, please.
87. Can you ride a bicycle?
88. Do you want a ride?
89. That’s really sad.
90. This apple is sweet.
91. He ordered a beer.
92. Let’s start with beer.
93. I like to ride on trains.
94. I’ll start with a beer.
95. She looks sad.
96. Lightning struck the tower.
97. I’ve won first prize!
98. He asked for a beer.
99. He will visit his uncle.
100. She is a nurse.
101. Don’t be sad.
102. My uncle runs a hotel.
103. I want something sweet.