Easy English for Beginners

Easy English for Beginners:

1. He traveled on business.
2. I got up about five.
3. It was night.
4. Come into the room.
5. There is no school today.
6. You’d better go.
7. I’m almost done.
8. It was dark in the room.
9. He is absent from school.
10. He looks very young.
11. She almost passed out.
12. It was a very big room.
13. I walked to school.
14. Ram’s face is red.
15. I stayed up all night.
16. He has his own room.
17. That’s quite a story.
18. He’s away on business.
19. He is getting better.
20. Are you able to swim?
21. She goes to school.
22. He lied to my face.
23. It frosted last night.
24. Please air the room.
25. When is school over?
26. I don’t like her face.
27. It was hot last night.
28. She reserved a room
29. We must go to school.
30. I’m young.
31. I slept well last night.
32. The room was locked.
33. Business is business.
34. His family is very large.
35. He looks much better now.

English Sentences for Beginners

Easy English for Beginners:

36. Clean up the room.
37. Where is your school?
38. He looks young.
39. I’m almost done.
40. Keep your room clean.
41. I go to school by bus.
42. She looks young.
43. It is almost three.
44. Let’s clean our room.
45. I study hard at school.
46. He is still young.
47. She almost drowned.
48. He came into the room.
49. She looked away.
50. Feel better today.
51. I’m able to run.
52. Go away.
53. You’ll feel better.
54. The damage is done.
55. This room gets sunshine.
56. He’s away on business.
57. I saw five men.
58. Do you have a better idea?
59. The room was warm.
60. I am here on business.
61. Give me five days.
62. Good night.
63. Where is Room 105?
64. You are quite a man.
65. Put your books away.
66. You’d better not go.
67. I’m able to ski.
68. He looked quite tired.
69. Call up Tom right away.
70. You’d better back off.

Easy English for Beginners

Easy Sentences for practice

71. She is able to skate.
72. I walk to school.
73. Wash your face.
74. How was your night?
75. Where is your room?
76. That’s quite a problem.
77. The area was quiet.
78. You’d better go by bus.
79. I was able to help her.
80. It’s business.
81. America is very large.
82. You’d better believe it.
83. The room is hot.
84. She goes to night school.
85. She’s not young, is she?
86. Dinner is almost ready.
87. This room smells musty.
88. He seems quite happy.
89. Why did he run away?
90. You’d better go home.
91. I’m able to swim.
92. He goes to school by bus.
93. I wish I were young
94. He was almost drowned.
95. This room is for VIPs.
96. That’s quite meaningless.
97. It’s too large.
98. We’d better go home now.
99. Clean your room.
100. We have no school today.
101. She married young.
102. John almost drowned.
103. This room is for rent.

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