English sentences For daily life
Daily necessary English Sentences:
1. Ram’s shy.
2. I live near here.
3. Don’t call me.
4. Grab Sham.
5. Ram has seen it.
6. Drive slowly.
7. I tried.
8. Is anybody home?
9. It’s ours.
10. I saw them.
11. They’ve got guns.
12. Stop Shouting.
13. We’re doctors.
14. I need time.
15. What’s the price?
16. We’re trapped.
17. I am okay.
18. I am 19 years old.
19. I don’t get it.
20. Ram saw him.
21. Is Ram doing okay?
22. Just sign here.
23. Are you sisters?
24. Look at Ram.
25. Don’t scream.
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Daily life use English Sentences
Daily necessary English Sentences:
26. They need friends.
27. Ram was crying.
28. My feet hurt.
29. What is your name?
30. Ram pinched me.
31. Do come again.
32. I don’t believe it.
33. I want more.
34. Everybody’s here.
35. Wait outside.
36. Ask Ram.
37. We’re screaming.
38. My hip hurts.
39. Go wait outside.
40. Call me.
41. I haven’t slept.
42. Don’t come.
43. I was stunned.
44. Is everybody ready?
45. I didn’t sleep.
46. Don’t go.
47. Go away.
48. Maybe it’ll snow.
49. I went aboard.
50. It’s well done.
Daily spoken English Sentences
51. Let me go.
52. Ram lives here.
53. Sham ate.
54. I am well.
55. Puzzles are fun.
56. Sham saw you.
57. Speak clearly.
58. We won.
59. Sham walks.
60. I’m needed here.
61. Ram’s hurt.
62. Ram understood.
63. I’m well.
64. Do it again.
65. I was petrified.
66. Stop there.
67. Is he a friend of yours?
68. She went shopping.
69. Play it cool.
70. It’ll snow tomorrow.
71. It was really cheap.
72. Do you like snow?
73. Is the bath ready?
74. Sham looks pale.
75. She’s in the bath.
Daily use English conversation
76. Did you take a bath?
77. I am taking a bath now.
78. He admitted his defeat.
79. He deals in furniture.
80. I ordered new furniture.
81. I saw a plane.
82. This book is yours.
83. The snow has disappeared.
84. Is this book yours?
85. It will snow tomorrow.
86. This room is for rent.
87. I’d like to rent a car.
88. We have no sugar.
89. You look so pale.
90. Is the bath clean?
91. She has gone shopping.
92. You look pale today.
93. Sham drove the car.
94. That’s cheap, isn’t it?
95. It is going to snow.
96. She shot a gun.
97. Wow! That’s cheap!
98. The mail has arrived.
99. I’m satisfied.
100. That guy annoys me.
101. I’d like meat loaf.