Daily use English sentences
Smart English sentences for students:
1. See you later, OK?
2. Was Sunny there?
3. You’re screaming.
4. Did you speak?
5. I can’t believe it.
6. Stand over there.
7. My arm hurts.
8. They all screamed.
9. Can I have my keys?
10. It’s hot today.
11. I’m wet.
12. Please sit here.
13. Everyone was happy.
14. Sunny swims well.
15. I want the blanket.
16. Ask again later.
17. May I take a photo?
18. Are you doctors?
19. Fill it up.
20. Listen carefully.
21. I’m a woman.
22. Go back outside.
23. Sunny yawned.
24. I haven’t eaten.
25. It’s 7:45.
26. I was negligent.
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Daily use sentences in English
Smart English sentences for students:
27. I saw him running.
28. Somebody came.
29. Sunny is sick.
30. Do you understand?
31. I was outside.
32. I’ve caught a cold.
33. I promised.
34. They’re children.
35. Sunny knew.
36. What is going on?
37. I know.
38. I’m just joking.
39. Sunny has left me.
40. Sunny is very pious.
41. I can beat you.
42. Don’t shout.
43. We’re here, too.
44. It’s late.
45. I like astrology.
46. Sunny went outside.
47. Ram’s famous.
48. What is the price?
49. Sunny lies.
50. Is anybody here?
51. I’m quite hungry.
52. Come with me.
English sentences for daily use
53. I’ve lost my keys.
54. Sunny is hurt.
55. Everybody saw it.
56. I am only joking.
57. Is sunny well?
58. How should I know?
59. He broke the law.
60. He is kind.
61. The room is hot.
62. Keep in touch.
63. The leaves fell.
64. Mary came in.
65. Come and see me.
66. He is sick.
67. Give it to him.
68. Come and help us.
69. Is it free?
70. Shut up and listen!
71. Is that it?
72. Go and wake Mary up.
73. This is it.
74. Let me in.
75. Go and see who it is.
76. Who is she?
77. [He and I are cousins.
78. He is lying.
English sentences for students
79. Talk to me!
80. He is smart.
81. Get on the horse.
82. Who is he?
83. Turn off the TV.
84. It is new.
85. He gave in.
86. Count me in.
87. Go to sleep.
88. How is Mary?
89. I’ll see to it.
90. It’s up to you.
91. I play the piano.
92. He is nice.
93. Leave it to me.
94. He began to run.
95. The light is on.
96. Keep in touch!
97. Give it to her.
98. Life is fun.
99. The dog is dead.
100. I’ll get in.
101. Listen to this!
102. Don’t lie to me.
103. The boy is kind.
104. He’s not in.