Wh Questions in English

Wh Questions in English :

Who is that boy?
Who is that man? 
Where does it hurt?
When do you study?
What is the problem?
Whose turn is it?
Why do you ask?
What are you doing? 
Where’s the museum?
What is going on?
Who are you?
Where are we?
Who built it?
What’s that sound?
When was it finished?
What are you doing?
When does it arrive?
What is the story?
What is Ken eating?
What do you need?  
What are you reading?
Whose car is that? 
When was she born?
Where are you from?
When will we arrive?
What was that noise?
What was that noise?
Why are you crying?
What was that noise?
Why did she do that?
What is going on?
What do you suggest?
Who did you meet?
What’s that? 
Who built it?

104 Wh Questions

Wh Questions in English:

Why did you quit?
Who stole the apple?
Who is he?
What is on the desk?
When did you buy it?
What does this mean?
Whose is this?  
What’s going on here?
When did you return?
When was it finished?
What time is it?
Who is he?
When will you leave?
What’s your name?
Where is Room 105?
What did you buy?
Why are you crying?
Where do you live?
Where is my watch?
Why do you lie?
Where are you from? 
What do you want?
What is that? 
Whose turn is it?
What’s eating you?
What do you have?
Who is that boy?
When does it begin?
When are you busy?  
Why did he run awaay?
What woke you up?
Where is the pain?
What did you say?
What did Jean make?
What’s the matter?
Wh Questions in English

Daily use Wh Questions

Whose car is that?
What do you want?  
Where are you?
Who’s that girl? 
When does it arrive?
Where do you live?
What is Ken eating?
Where is the pain?
What is over there?
What woke you up?
What’s your name?
Why don’t you come in?
Where is your room?
Who did you meet?
Who broke the vase?
Where is my book?
Where are you?
When are you busy?
What’s the bus fare?
What did you buy?
Where is your cap?
What do you have?
When will you leave?
Who is that man? 
Whose friend is he? 
Who are you?
Where is your room?
Why do you ask? 
Whose friend is he? 
Where did you go?
What is your address?
Who is that boy?
What did he say?
Where are you going?

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